Nearly 100 members of cooperatives and the Union of Cooperatives participated in deploying cooperative management software built by PITC Company.

Leaders of the Provincial Cooperative Alliance spoke at the opening of the Conference

This is an activity carried out under the direction of the Provincial People’s Committee in Document No. 3393/UBND-CNN&XD dated July 21, 2021 on implementing the development of Cooperative Management software in Thai Nguyen province.

At the Conference, delegates were instructed by experts and officials in charge of information technology and digital transformation to update cooperative data on the software system and use cooperative management software in Thai Nguyen province. In addition, delegates were also instructed to survey the satisfaction index of cooperatives with party committees and local authorities in 2022. In addition, the program also propagated digital transformation as well as a number of policies. New book on collective economic development and cooperatives.

Members of Cooperatives and Cooperative Union attended the Conference

Specifically, in the manual on how to use the cooperative database management software, delegates are introduced in-depth about the overall process from registering an account, logging into the system, updating information periodically. investigative survey. As for the instructions for surveying the satisfaction index of cooperatives for party committees and local authorities in 2022, delegates are also guided through the process and steps of conducting the survey. Deploying cooperative management software is one of the important directions, contributing to promoting agricultural cooperatives in the province to develop sustainably and adapt to the market.

PITC Company officials guide students to update data to the software
